Mr. Jackson

Does Jaw Surgery Correct Sleep Apnea?

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Most often patients turn to jaw surgery to correct their appearance, or to improve speaking and chewing. Many don’t realize that jaw surgery can also help patients that suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea is when a patient stops breathing while sleeping and tends to gasp for air. This happens when the muscles and jaw bones aren’t working together to support the airway. Common symptoms of sleep apnea include fatigue, loud snoring, headache, and constantly feeling sleepy.

How Can Jaw Surgery Help And Who is a Good Candidate?

Jaw surgery can help patients and realigns the jaw and teeth. This opens up the airway and allows the patient to sleep soundly. Many patients wonder if they are a good candidate for jaw surgery. We recommend patients go through our consultation process which includes a detailed examination of your mouth, teeth, and jaw bones. Our team will take x-rays to evaluate the details of your jaw and mouth.

Common Factors That Indicate You Are a Good Candidate

  • People suffering from sleep apnea
  • Jaw deformities
  • Underbite issues
  • Other bite issues
  • Jaw asymmetries

How Does Jaw Surgery Work?

Corrective jaw surgery is done using general anesthesia. During the surgery our doctor will make an incision in the gums and around the jaws. This gives access to the bones underneath. The bones are then repositioned appropriately using splints. Small plates or screws are used to stabilize the bones in place. The area is then stitched with dissolvable stiches.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, jaw surgery may be right for you. Many patients come back after surgery and rave about how their life has changed, and they can sleep peacefully.

What Can I Expect During Recovery?

After jaw surgery we typically require patients to stay overnight in the hospital. They then return home to recover and relax. We recommend patients follow a liquid diet for six weeks after the surgery. This will help the jaw and mouth to heal properly. Heavy lifting of anything is not recommended, and normal everyday tasks are perfectly fine.

After two weeks patients can begin light exercise, but should refrain from heavy exercise until six weeks after surgery.

What Can I Do To Prevent Sleep Apnea?

With sleep apnea weight is a common risk factor. We recommend patients exercise daily and eat a healthy diet. There are nonsurgical treatments such as the continuous positive airway pressure machine or CPAP mask to help limit symptoms. This is not a permanent solution, but another way for patients to alleviate symptoms at home.

Looking to Find Out How Jaw Surgery Can Benefit You?

If you suffer from sleep apnea and are interested in finding out how jaw surgery can benefit you, contract our office to schedule a consultation. Our detailed consultation process will allow our team to determine a treatment plan, and answer any questions you may have. Your health is our priority, let our team help get you on the road to better sleep.

To schedule your consultation please contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you!

Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary for a 3-year-old Baby?

root canal treatment for a 3 year old baby

If your child has severe decay or an infection, you may think the only solution would be the pull the primary tooth. Instead, your dentist can treat the inside of the baby tooth to save the tooth by performing a root canal. There are many benefits to saving primary teeth, and keeping them in your child’s mouth as long as you can.

Root canals can help save a tooth from an infection in the pulp area or center of a tooth. During a root canal procedure, the inflamed area of the tooth is cleaned out and sealed to prevent bacteria from entering in the future. Today dentists believe saving a baby tooth is just as important as saving an adult tooth.

Reasons for Saving a Baby Tooth

  • Loosing primary teeth too early can affect a child’s speech or development.
  • Keeping the tooth in position helps to make space for adult teeth.
  • If primary teeth are lost this can affect a baby’s ability to chew or eat.
  • Primary teeth help to prevent crowding and adult teeth from coming in crooked.
  • May prevent future orthodontic treatment.

How Do I know if My Child Needs Endodontic Treatment?

If your child is complaining of pain, we recommend making an appointment with our office right away. If there is an infection the issue should be addressed as soon as possible. Our team will examine the tooth and take x-rays to get a clear picture of the problem. Our doctors will create a customized treatment plan, and discuss what treatment options are available. Depending on the severity of the infection will determine what treatment is needed.

How Does a Root Canal Work?

There are two ways a root canal can be done depending on the location and severity of the infection. If the infection is only in the crown area of the tooth, a pulpotomy will be performed. This is when the inflamed pulp chamber is cleaned out and removed. The root is left alive and in perfect condition. A crown may be placed afterwards to restore the tooth until it naturally falls out when the adult teeth erupt beneath it.

If both the crown area and the root area of the tooth are infected, a pulpectomy may be needed. This is when we remove the entire pulp area from the crown and root of the tooth. The pulp chamber is cleaned out and sealed to prevent future bacteria from entering. Crowns are typically used after this procedure to retore the tooth’s functionality, and protect the primary tooth underneath until it is naturally lost.

Interested in Finding Out More About Root Canals for Children?

At Owings Mills Dentistry, your child’s oral health is our priority, and our team works to ensure each visit to our office is positive. We provide quality dental care you can trust in a comfortable and calm environment. When a child visits a dental office, this can be stressful. Our staff is trained to work with children, and we always make sure your child will feel comfortable during their visit. Our office is accepting new patients, and we welcome you to join our dental family.

If your child is experiencing pain in or around a tooth, or you think they may need root canal treatment, contact Owings Mills Dentistry, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

How Much Radiation is in a Dental X-ray?

radiation in dental x ray

Dental x-rays are commonly used when you visit your dentist in Owings Mills. Many patients wonder if dental x-rays are safe and if they should worry about radiation exposure. Expressing concerns about your health and safety is normal, and the good news is that dental x-rays are extremely safe. You may notice your hygienist covers you with protective equipment and leaves the room during the x-ray. This is to avoid repeated exposure because hygienists perform x-rays daily as part of their cleaning and exam routines. The protective equipment placed on the patient helps to further protect your body and organs that are more sensitive to radiation exposure.

Every day we are exposed to levels of radiation naturally in the environment, and dental x-rays only make up a small fraction of the average daily dose of radiation each day. Patients do not need to worry about exposure, as the amount is so low there is nothing to be concerned about.

Are Dental X-Ray’s Safe?

Dental x-rays do not require much radiation to produce images. With the new technology used today x-rays use 90% less radiation exposure and are safe for patients. Diagnostic imaging gives our team the ability to see inside your teeth and this allows the detection of decay, bone loss, or oral cancer. X-rays can help prevent future issues by diagnosing and treating anything we see promptly.

Benefits of Dental X-Ray’s

  • Detect decay, fillings, gum disease, and oral cancer.
  • Detect changes in soft or hard tissues.
  • Show jawbone development
  • Detect bone loss

Interested in Learning More About How Dental X-rays Can Benefit You?

If you are interested in learning how dental x-rays can benefit you, or you are due for your regular dental exam and cleaning, contact Owings Mills Dentistry. We provide the highest level of service and use the latest technology and equipment. Let our team help you care for your smile, and prevent unnecessary visits to the dentist. Our doctors have years of experience and love to help patients care for their teeth and gums. Oral health is extremely important and is directly linked to our overall health. Attending your regular dental visits can help to detect issues and keep your smile looking and feeling great.

To schedule an appointment with us contact Owings Mills Dentistry, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

how long does dental bonding last

Dental bonding can help to restore your smile and repair many cosmetic issues that bother you. Dental bonding is quick, durable, and can be less expensive compared to other cosmetic options. Dental bonding is a great solution for patients that want to change the length of a tooth, fix a chipped tooth, or close gaps between teeth. The procedure can be completed in one appointment and no anesthesia is required. Dental bonding does last, and the lifespan for dental bonding is between 5-10 years. The composite material can wear down over time depending on the wear and tear on the tooth.

How Does the Dental Bonding Process Work?

Dental bonding typically only requires one visit to our office and does not require any tooth enamel to be removed. During the bonding process, we gently etch your tooth using a mild acid solution. This helps to make the surface of the tooth rough and allows the composite material to properly bond to the tooth. The bonding is a tooth-colored material and this is applied to the area. Ultraviolet light is used to help cure the bonding. Once the bonding material is cured the tooth is polished and shaped to match the surrounding teeth. On average, bonding treatment can take between 30-60 minutes, and this depends on the severity of the correction, and the number of teeth needing treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bonding?

  • Dental bonding is affordable compared to other cosmetic treatments.
  • Treatment is less invasive with no local anesthesia.
  • Can be done in one appointment.
  • Can repair chipped, cracked, or uneven teeth.
  • Can close gaps between teeth.
  • Changes the shape of your teeth and provides a uniform smile.
  • Is an alternative to amalgam fillings.
  • Is tooth-colored material and blends in with your natural teeth.

Interested in Finding Out More About Dental Bonding?

If you are interested in learning more about dental bonding and how this treatment may benefit you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. At Owings Mills Dentistry, we strive to provide quality dental care our patients can trust. We provide a calm environment where patients can relax during their dental treatment. Patients are treated like family, and we always ensure you have a positive experience. Let our dental team help you achieve the smile of your dreams with our dental bonding treatment.

To schedule your appointment contact Owings Mills Dentistry, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.